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Language peer sets for Sketchpad: United States↑ United States/1962↑ Designed 1962 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Second generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus 2d shape ↑ String and List Processing ↑ 2d shape↑ 2d Construct-related↑ Image-related ↑ 2d shape/1962↑ 2d Construct-related/1962↑ Image-related/1962↑ 2d shape/United States↑ 2d Construct-related/United States↑ Image-related/United States↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1962↑ String and List Processing/us ↑ Sketchpad(ID:191/ske001)Interactive graphics environmentalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1962 Published: 1963 Genus: 2d shape Sammet category: String and List Processing Ivan Sutherland, MIT, 1963. Computer-aided design. Constraints using value inference. Introduced the "ring" list structure. Used master objects as templates for instances, which featured full inheritance. Kay claims it is the first true object-oriented system. First feature of drag-and-drop system. Places People: Structures: Related languages
References: in [AFIPS JCC 23] (1963) [AFIPS JCC 23] Proceedings of the 1963 Spring Joint Computer Conference in Detroit SJCC 1963 in [ACM/IEEE] (1964) [ACM/IEEE] Proceedings of the SHARE design automation workshop 1964 in Orr (ed) (1968) Orr, William (ed) "Conversational Computing", 1968 in Burck, Gilbert (1965) Burck, Gilbert "The Computer Age" in Burck, Gilbert (1965) Burck, Gilbert "The Computer Age" in Proceedings A.C.M. (1967) Proceedings A.C.M. National Meeting, 1967 in Karplus, W. J. ed. (1967) Karplus, W. J. ed. "On-Line Computing", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967 in [ACM] (1968) [ACM] CACM 11(04) (April 1968) in [ACM] (1968) [ACM] CACM 11(04) (April 1968) in [ACM] (1970) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys 2(4) Dec1970 in [Proceedings] (1978) Proceedings of the 1978 annual conference 1978, Washington, D.C., United States in [Proceedings] (1978) Proceedings of the 1978 annual conference 1978, Washington, D.C., United States in [Proceedings] (1978) Proceedings of the 1978 annual conference 1978, Washington, D.C., United States Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |