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Language peer sets for Kaleidoscope:
United States
United States/1989
Designed 1989
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1989
Published: 1990

Bjorn Freeman-Benson, U Washington and Universite de Nantes, 1989; U Victoria, 1992.

Object-oriented language which mixes imperative and constraint-oriented features. Similar to Siri. Vaguely related to Prose (1425).

Versions: Kaleidoscope'90, Kaleidoscope'91, Kaleidoscope'93.

Related languages
Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope'90   Implementation

  • Freeman-Benson, B.N.; (1990) Freeman-Benson, B.N.; "Kaleidoscope: Mixing Objects, Constraints and Imperative Programming",
          in [OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990] (1990) [SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 25(10) October 1990 (OOPSLA/ECOOP '90)
  • Freeman-Benson, B.N.; (1991) Freeman-Benson, B.N.; "Constraint Imperative Programming", Ph.D. Thesis, TR 91-07-02, U Wash (1991). Abstract ftpftp dir of chapters in ps
          in [OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990] (1990) [SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 25(10) October 1990 (OOPSLA/ECOOP '90)
  • Freeman-Benson et al, (1992) Freeman-Benson et al, "Constraint Imperative Programming"
          in (1992) IEEE Conf Comp Langs April 1992
  • Lopez, Gus; Freeman-Benson, Bjorn; and Borning, A (1993) Lopez, Gus; Freeman-Benson, Bjorn; and Borning, Alan; "Kaleidoscope: A Constraint Imperative Programming Language" UW Tech Report 93-09-04.
          in (1992) IEEE Conf Comp Langs April 1992
  • Lopez, Gus; Freeman-Benson, Bjorn; and Borning, A (1994) Lopez, Gus; Freeman-Benson, Bjorn; and Borning, Alan; "Kaleidoscope: A Constraint Imperative Programming Language" pp313-329 Abstract ps
          in Constraint Programming, B. (1994) Constraint Programming, B. Mayoh, E. Tougu, J. Penjam (Eds.), NATO Advanced Science Institute Series, Series F: Computer and System Sciences, Vol 131, Springer-Verlag, 1994
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