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Language peer sets for ICES: United States↑ United States/1961↑ Designed 1961 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Second generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Civil ↑ Specialised Languages ↑ Civil↑ Engineering↑ Continuous ↑ Civil/1961↑ Engineering/1961↑ Continuous/1961↑ Civil/United States↑ Engineering/United States↑ Continuous/United States↑ Specialised Languages ↑ Specialised Languages/1961↑ Specialised Languages/us ↑ ICES(ID:226/ice001)Integrated Civil Engineering Systemalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1961 Published: 1967 Genus: Civil Sammet category: Specialised Languages Integrated Civil Engineering System. Subsystems include COGO, STRUDL, BRIDGE, LEASE, PROJECT, ROADS and TRANSET. Internal languages include ICETRAN and CDL. Someone who wished to make an extension to must write the functionality in ICETRAN and then describes its role in the system using CDL Places Related languages
References: in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in [AFIPS JCC 27] (1965) [AFIPS JCC 27] Proceedings of the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 1965 in (1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967 in (1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967 in [ACM] (1972) [ACM] CACM 15(07) (July 1972) in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972 in (1974) ACM Computing Reviews 15(04) April 1974 in (1974) ACM Computing Reviews 15(04) April 1974 in (1975) Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1975 in [SIGPLAN] (1978) SIGPLAN Notices 13(11) Nov 1978 in Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. (1979) Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. 105, No. 1, April 1979 in Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. (1979) Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. 105, No. 1, April 1979 in Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. (1979) Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, Vol. 105, No. 1, April 1979 Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |