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Language peer sets for PDC-Prolog: Denmark↑ Denmark/1995↑ Designed 1995 ↑ 1990s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Post-Cold War↑ Genus Horn clause ↑ String and List Processing ↑ Horn clause↑ Context-based ↑ Data representation ↑ Horn clause/1995↑ Context-based /1995↑ Data representation/1995↑ Horn clause/Denmark↑ Context-based /Denmark↑ Data representation/Denmark↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1995↑ String and List Processing/dk ↑ PDC-Prolog(ID:3331/pdc001)alternate simple viewCountry: Denmark Designed 1995 Genus: Horn clause Sammet category: String and List Processing Repurchase from Borland of Turbo-Prolog by the people that wrote it originally, with enhancements (Prolog Development Center Prolog) Related languages
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