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Language peer sets for Amanda: Netherlands↑ Netherlands/1988↑ Designed 1988 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Amanda(ID:3776/ama001)SImple Miranda-like languagealternate simple viewCountry: Netherlands Designed 1988 Dick Bruin's implementation of a Miranda-like language, based on details and principles laid down in two classic FP texts. "Amanda is a functional programming language developed by Dick Bruin for recreational purposes (solving mathematical puzzles). Anyone can freely use the Amanda interpreter to develop his/her own functional programs. Amanda has been tested on a large set of programs and seems to function unproblematic. But please note that the author cannot be blamed for any unexpected behaviour. Amanda is based on the notation used in the book "Introduction to Functional Programming" written by Richard Bird and Philip Wadler and published by Prentice Hall. Amanda is implemented using the ideas described in the book "The implementation of functional programming languages" written by Simon Peyton Jones and published by Prentice Hall." Related languages
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