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Language peer sets for TRAIL: United States↑ United States/1970↑ Designed 1970 ↑ 1970s languages ↑ Third generation↑ High Cold War↑ Genus Decision tables ↑ Decision tables↑ Context-based ↑ Data representation ↑ Decision tables/1970↑ Context-based /1970↑ Data representation/1970↑ Decision tables/United States↑ Context-based /United States↑ Data representation/United States↑ TRAIL(ID:3910/tra010)alternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1970 Genus: Decision tables for Tabular Rule-Action Interpreted Language Block-structured language and programming system for the development of programming support systems and translators for problem-oriented languages on minicomputers. References: in [ACM] (1973) [ACM] Proceedings of the 1973 annual ACM conference Atlanta, Georgia, United States Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |