H ?
Language peer sets for DETAB/GT:
Designed 1972 ↑
1970s languages ↑
Third generation↑
High Cold War↑
Genus Decision tables ↑
Specialised Languages ↑
Decision tables↑
Context-based ↑
Data representation ↑
Decision tables/1972↑
Context-based /1972↑
Data representation/1972↑
Decision tables/Switzerland↑
Context-based /Switzerland↑
Data representation/Switzerland↑
Specialised Languages ↑
Specialised Languages/1972↑
Specialised Languages/ch ↑
Decision table language
alternate simple view
Country: Switzerland
Designed 1972
Published: 1972
Genus: Decision tables
Sammet category: Specialised Languages
for DEcision TABle GeneraTor
German implementation of DETAB, created by Dr. Reinhold Thurner, of University of Zurich and Sodecon AG, Zurich. 1972. ?Part of his doctoral research?
Widely used throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the 70s
Related languages
McDaniel, Herman (1970) McDaniel, Herman "Decision Table Software: A Handbook" U.S. Civil Service Commission Brandon/Systems Press, Inc. Princeton
Thurner, Reinhold (1972) Thurner, Reinhold "Entscheidungs-Tabellen Technik. Programmierter Lehrgang. Zurich Thurner 1972
Thurner, Reinhold (1972) Thurner, Reinhold "Entscheidungstabellen, Aufbau - Anwendung - Programmierung VDI-Verlag Dusseldorf 1972
THurner, R and Bauknecht, K (1973) THurner, R and Bauknecht, K "Procedural Decision Tables and their Implementation" p259-263
in [Proceedings] (1973) Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium 1973, Davos
(1975) "Ein Superding für die Avantgarde" COMPUTERWOCHE Nr. 41 vom 10.10.1975
(Press release for DELTA)
Online copy
in [Proceedings] (1973) Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium 1973, Davos
Dr. Gerhard Maurer (1975) Dr. Gerhard Maurer "Komplexe Probleme erfordern Organisations-Hilfsmittel für eine neue Software-Generation"
(German Computer Week interview with the creator of DETAB/GT and DELTA)
Online copy
Translation of online article
in (1975) COMPUTERWOCHE 44 (31.10.1975
(1975) Entscheidungstabellentetchnik\Schnittstelle der Fachabteilung zur EDV (Feature article of DETAB/GT including some history)
Online copy
Decision Table Symposium
in (1975) COMPUTERWOCHE 4 (24.01.1975)
Gastkommentar: (1975) Gastkommentar: "Die schwache Seite der Prozeßrechner". (Letters to the editor of Computer Week following a special guest editorial on the "Weakness of Computer Processing". Includes a letter by the inventor of DETAB/GT and Delta)
Online copy
Translation of Online copy
in (1975) COMPUTERWOCHE 38(19) September 1975
MDS-Verlust: 63 Millionen Mark PARSIPPANY, N. (1975) MDS-Verlust: 63 Millionen Mark PARSIPPANY, N. J. - Bei Erlösen von 170 Millionen Dollar machte Mohawk Data Sciences Corp. (MDS) im Geschäftsjahr 1975 einenVerlust von fast 26 Millionen Dollar (rund 63 Millionen Mark). MDS mußte im abgelaufenen Geschäf
(Extensive discussion of fate of the DETAB/GT system)
Online copy
in (1975) COMPUTERWOCHE 30 (25.07.1975)
Spiegel, W. (1975) Spiegel, W. "Entscheidungstabellengeneratoren Fuer PL/I" [Decision Table Generators for PL/I.] Elektron Rechenanlagen Comput Prax 17(6) December 1975 pp293-299
in (1975) COMPUTERWOCHE 30 (25.07.1975)
(1976) "DETAB GT für Assembler" (Announcement of V3-M1 DETAB/GT that output 360 Assembler)
Online copy
Translation of online copy
in (1976) COMPUTERWOCHE 5 (30.01.1976)
(1977) "Don Quichotte und die Entscheidungstabelle" (Don Quixote and the decision table - a defense of generators, GOTO, end-user empowerment through executable documentation)
Online copy
in (1977) COMPUTERWOCHE 27 (01.07.1977)
(1978) "Normierte Programmierung: Wer ist der Esel? " ("Conventional programming - who is the donkey?" - a defence of generators in general and DETAB/GT and DELTA in aprticular)
Online copy
in (1978) COMPUTERWOCHE 30 (21.07.1978)
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