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Language peer sets for AED-JR: United States↑ United States/1964↑ Designed 1964 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Third generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Gestalt programming ↑ Business Data Processing ↑ Gestalt programming↑ Theoretical incl category based↑ Generic ↑ Gestalt programming/1964↑ Theoretical incl category based/1964↑ Generic/1964↑ Gestalt programming/United States↑ Theoretical incl category based/United States↑ Generic/United States↑ Business Data Processing ↑ Business Data Processing/1964↑ Business Data Processing/us ↑ AED-JR(ID:4604/aed004)Table-oriented version of AEDalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1964 Genus: Gestalt programming Sammet category: Business Data Processing Extension of AED first table-driven language-definition system From Ross CAD Timeline: "AEDJR was enhanced with comment, quotation, and attribute features for user-defined "execute-procedure" special controls of compiler front and back ends. In order to address the wide range of differences between commercial-computer hardware and Operating System details, most modular components of the main phases of AED-Approach system-generation and -building systems were sprinkled with interface "joints" (before and after a major process function or phase) where special "execute procedures" could be inserted to specialize the general architecture (so it would WORK!). This principle was exploited in AED's subroutine-calling code-generation, where Enter and Exit break-outs allowed AED's Debugger to trace, control, and report during testing - while a simple re-compile with the Declarations for those functions omitted, yielded the final, production code. People: Structures: Related languages
References: in [ACM/IEEE] (1964) [ACM/IEEE] Proceedings of the SHARE design automation workshop 1964 in [ACM/IEEE] (1965) [ACM/IEEE] Proceedings of the SHARE Design Automation Project Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1965 in [ACM] (1966) [ACM] Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation, 1966 in [ACM] (1966) [ACM] Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation, 1966 Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |