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Language peer sets for EuLisp: United Kingdom↑ United Kingdom/1985↑ Designed 1985 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Genus Lazy Evaluation LISPs ↑ String and List Processing ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs↑ LISPs↑ Lambda caculus ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/1985↑ LISPs/1985↑ Lambda caculus/1985↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/United Kingdom↑ LISPs/United Kingdom↑ Lambda caculus/United Kingdom↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1985↑ String and List Processing/uk ↑ EuLisp(ID:1139/eul006)European LISP standardalternate simple viewCountry: United Kingdom Designed 1985 Published: 1985 Genus: Lazy Evaluation LISPs Sammet category: String and List Processing 1985-present. LISP dialect intended to be a common European standard, with influences from Common LISP, Le LISP, Scheme and T. First-class functions, classes and continuations, both static and dynamic scope, modules, support for parallelism. The class system (TELOS) incorporates ideas from CLOS, ObjVLisp and Oaklisp.is a modern OO dialect of LISP whose design was less minimalistic than that of SCHEME but less constrained by compatability reasons than that of COMMON LISP. In particular, it has a single namespace for variables and functions (like SCHEME, and unlike COMMON LISP) and it's type system is perfectly integrated with the object system. Futhermore, the language makes use of the module system, so that every program may import only those parts it needs. Structures: Related languages
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