H ?
Language peer sets for SNAP: United States↑ United States/1955↑ Designed 1955 ↑ 1950s languages ↑ Second generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Symbolic assembly packages ↑ Excluded from Sammet ↑ Symbolic assembly packages↑ Assemblers↑ Fixed operation ↑ Symbolic assembly packages/1955↑ Assemblers/1955↑ Fixed operation/1955↑ Symbolic assembly packages/United States↑ Assemblers/United States↑ Fixed operation/United States↑ Excluded from Sammet ↑ Excluded from Sammet/1955↑ Excluded from Sammet/us ↑ SNAP(ID:6503/sna004)Ramo Woolridge floating point package for UNIVAC 1103alternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1955 Genus: Symbolic assembly packages Sammet category: Excluded from Sammet Ramo Woolridge interpreter for UNIVAC 1103, operational August 1955 Developed by R. Beach, D. Gantner, M. Perry, M. Speer, R. Summers under the direction of William Bauer at Ramo-Woolridge LA 1955 As it targetted RAWOOP, it was later bundled with it into the RAWOOP-SNAP package for 1103A Places Hardware:
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References: in (1956) 1103 CENTRAL EXCHANGE NEWSLETTER NUMBER 9, June 1956 in (1956) 1103 CENTRAL EXCHANGE NEWSLETTER NUMBER 9, June 1956 in (1956) 1103 CENTRAL EXCHANGE NEWSLETTER NUMBER 9, June 1956 in [Armour] (1957) "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Computer Applications Symposium" , Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 1957 in [ACM] (1959) [ACM] CACM 2(05) May 1959 in Crabbe et al (1957) E. M. Crabbe, S. Ramo, and D. E. Wooldridge (eds.) "Handbook of Automation, Computation, and Control," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959. in [ACM] (1963) [ACM] CACM 6(03) (Mar 1963) Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |