H ? « »

Language peer sets for VIP:
United States
United States/1969
Designed 1969
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus 2d shape
Specialised Languages
2d shape
2d Construct-related
2d shape/1969
2d Construct-related/1969
2d shape/United States
2d Construct-related/United States
Image-related/United States
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1969
Specialised Languages/us


Visual Interactive Programming 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1969
Genus: 2d shape
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

for Visual Interactive Programming

Streit, U of Toronto, and LRL 1968

Dervied from the Sketchpad model, but more based on Kulsrud's general graphics language. Ran on CDC 6600 at LRL

Related languages
KULSRUD VIP   Influence
Sketchpad VIP   Influence

  • Streit, Edward (1969) Streit, Edward "VIP: A Conversational System For Computer-Aided Graphics"
          in Faiman, M. and J. Nievergelt, eds. (1969) Faiman, M. and J. Nievergelt, eds. "Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics" University of Illinois Urbana, 1969
  • Neal, M. Catherine and Shapiro, Linda G. (1978) Neal, M. Catherine and Shapiro, Linda G. "A Portable Graphics system for minicomputers" pp704-712 Extract: Description
          in [Proceedings] (1978) Proceedings of the 1978 annual conference 1978, Washington, D.C., United States
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