H ?
Language peer sets for TKSolver Plus:
United States↑
United States/1990↑
Designed 1990 ↑
1990s languages ↑
Fifth generation↑
Post-Cold War↑
Genus Algebraic ↑
Numerical Scientific ↑
Expression-oriented ↑
Algebraic/United States↑
Mathematical/United States↑
Expression-oriented/United States↑
Numerical Scientific ↑
Numerical Scientific/1990↑
Numerical Scientific/us ↑
TKSolver Plus(ID:7521/)
alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1990
Genus: Algebraic
Sammet category: Numerical Scientific
Related languages
Peterson, Don (1990) Peterson, Don "General Chemistry with TK Solver" San Diego.
Smith, Alan (1990) Smith, Alan "Applications of TK Solver Plus in Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Analysis" McGraw-Hill, 1990
Solving problems with TK Solver Plus TK Solver Plus is a tool for numerically solving sets of equations, even when you can't (or don't want to) get an explicit algebraic solution for the problem. All you do is list all the equations that relate to the problem, then specify the values of any variables that are known. The program then calculates the values of any unknown variable that can be calculated according to the rules of algebra, automatically solving the equations and making substitutions as needed. (TK Solver Plus provides numerical answers only; it does not provide symbolic solutions and does not "show its work", that is, tell you what particular substitutions it took to arrive at an answer.)
TK Solver Plus lets you explore the behavior of mathematically inconvenient systems (such as a Van der Walls real gas) and crank out the answers to numeric word problems much more simply than by using a hand calculator, writing programs, or using a spreadsheet. The big advantage over a spreadsheet is that you don't need to have an explicit algebraic solution. Moreover, one set of equations (called a model in TK-talk) can be used to solve many variations on one type of problem, because any variable can be a known or an unknown.
TK Solver can also handle unit conversions. Once you have defined a set of unit conversion factors, you can enter known variables in any of those units and ask for unknowns to be displayed in any of those units.
For problems that can not be solved by direct substitution, the program has an terative solver that can solve just about any consistent set of equations (albeit more slowly than the direct solver). You enter a first guess for one (or more) variables.
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