GERTS II(ID:7441/ger011)

Graphical simulation system 

Related languages
GERTS => GERTS II   Evolution of
GERTS II => GERTS III   Extension of

  • Pritsker, A.A.B., and P. C. Ishmael, GERT Simulation Program II (GERTS II), Technical Report on NASA/ERC Contract NASA-12-2035, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, June 1969. view details
  • Whitehouse, Gary E. and Klein, Kenneth I. "Application of the GERTS II simulator in the industrial environment" Proceedings of the fourth annual conference on Applications of simulation New York, New York, United States pp170-177 1970 view details Abstract: GERT was originally developed to aid in the analysis of stochastic networks. GERT can be used to graphically model and analyze complex systems. Recently a simulator model, GERTS II, has been developed to solve GERT Networks. The simulator language used in the development of this model was GASP IIA. This paper discusses the possible application of GERTS II to model and analyze (1) assembly line operations, (2) project management networks, (3) conveyor systems and (4) inventory systems. Finally, an actual application dealing with a job shop loading problem is presented.