2 Jean E Sammet
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Jean E. Sammet received a BA from Mount Holyoke College and an MA from the University of Illinois, both in Mathematics. She started work in the computer field at Sperry Gyroscope in 1955 and supervised their first scientific programming group. She taught graduate courses in programming at Adelphi College (1956-58).
From 1958-61, she worked at Sylvania Electric Products and managed the basic software development for MOBIDIC, a computer built for the Army Signal Corps. In 1959-61, she served as a key member of The CODASYL Short Range Committee that developed COBOL.
Sammet joined IBM in l961 and organized and managed the Boston Advanced Programming Department. She initiated the concept, and directed the development of FORMAC (FORmula MAnipulation Compiler), the first widely used language and system for doing symbolic mathematics. Her 1969 book, "PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: History and Fundamentals" was described by others as the "standard work on programming languages" and "an instant computer classic." She led the IBM Federal Systems Division work on Ada, and held various other staff and management positions.
She held numerous positions in ACM, including vice president (1972-74) and president (1974-76). She was the general chair and program chair for the 1978 ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL), and was the program chair for HOPL-II held in 1993.
Sammet served as the first chair of the AFIPS History Committee (1977-79), during which she helped establish the journal "Annals of the History of Computing." She served on the Board of Directors of The Computer Museum in Boston (1983-93).
Among other honors, she was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (1977), received an honorary ScD from Mount Holyoke College (1978) and the ACM Distinguished Service Award (1985), and was in the initial group of ACM Fellows (1994).
Sammet, Jean E. (1961) Sammet, Jean E. "A method of combining ALGOL and and COBOL" pp379-387.
in [JCC 19] (1961) [JCC 19] Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference, May 1961 E
Sammet (1961) Sammet. Jean E. "General Views on COBOL" pp345 E A
in Goodman (ed) (1961) Goodman, Richard (ed) "Annual Review in Automatic Programming" (2) 1961 Pergamon Press, Oxford E
Sammet (1961) Sammet, Jean E. "A Detailed Description Of COBOL" pp197-230 E A
in Goodman (ed) (1961) Goodman, Richard (ed) "Annual Review in Automatic Programming" (2) 1961 Pergamon Press, Oxford E
Sammet, Jean E (1961) Sammet, Jean E "1960 Tower of Babel" diagram on the front of CACM January 1961 E A
Picture: Cover of ACM Communications December 1961
in [ACM] (1961) [ACM] CACM 4(01) (Jan 1961) E
Sammet, Jean E. (1962) Sammet, Jean E. "Base elements of COBOL 61" E A
in [ACM] (1962) [ACM] CACM 5(05) May 1962 E
Sammet, J. E., and Bond, E.R. (1964) Sammet, J. E., and Bond, E.R. "Introduction to FORMAC" E A
in (1964) IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers Vol EC-13 August 1964 (Special Issue on Programming Languages) E
Bond, E., M. Auslander , S. Grisoff , R. Kenney , (1964) Bond, E., M. Auslander , S. Grisoff , R. Kenney , M. Myszewski , J. Sammet , R. Tobey , S. Zilles, "FORMAC an experimental formula manipulation Compiler" E A
in (1964) Proceedings of the 19th ACM national conference January 1964 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1965) Sammet, Jean E. "Formula Manipulation by Computer," IBM Technical Report TR00. 1363, November 1965. E A
in (1964) Proceedings of the 19th ACM national conference January 1964 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1966) Sammet, Jean E. "Survey of formula manipulation" E A
in [ACM] (1966) [ACM] CACM 9(08) August 1966 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1966) Sammet, Jean E. "An Annotated Descriptor Based Bibliography on the Use of Computers for Non-Numerical Mathematics" E A
in (1966) ACM Computing Reviews 7(05) September-October 1966 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1967) Sammet, Jean E. "Formula Manipulation by Computer" E A
in Advances in Computers, Vol. (1967) Advances in Computers, Vol. 8 FL Alt and M Rubinoff (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, 1967 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1967) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1967" E A
in (1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967 E
(1967) Sammet, Jean E., Review of Brown paper E A
in (1967) ACM Computing Reviews 8(01) January-February 1967 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1968) Sammet, Jean E. "Revised Annotated Descriptor Based Bibliography for the Use of Computers for Non-Numerical Mathematics" E A
in Bobrow, D. G. (ed) (1968) Bobrow, D. G. (ed) "Symbol Manipulation Languages and Techniques", Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Symbol Manipulation Languages. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1968 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1968) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages" E A
in (1968) Computers & Automation 17(6), June 1968 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1969) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1969" E A
in (1969) Computers & Automation 18(7) June 1969 E
(1969) Sammet on GECOM in Sammet 1969 E A
in (1969) Computers & Automation 18(7) June 1969 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1969) Sammet, Jean E. "Computer Languages - Principles and History"
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1969. E A
in (1969) Computers & Automation 18(7) June 1969 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1970) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1970" E A
in (1970) Computers & Automation 19(6B) 30 Nov 1970 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1971) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1971" E A
in (1971) Computers & Automation 20(6B) 30 Jun, 1971 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1971) Sammet, Jean E. "Brief survey of languages used for systems implementation" E A
in [LSI 1971] (1971) [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(10) October 1971 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Languages for system implementation 1971, Lafayette, Indiana, United States; October, 1971 E
Sammet, Jean E., (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Programming languages: history and future" E A
in [ACM] (1972) [ACM] CACM 15(06) (June 1972) E
Sammet, Jean E., (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "An overview of programming languages for special application areas" E A
in [AFIPS] (1972) [AFIPS] Proceedings of the 1972 Spring Joint Computer Conference SJCC 40 E
Sammet (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1972" E A
in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1973) Sammet, Jean E. "Roster of Programming Languages for 1973" p147 E A
in (1974) ACM Computing Reviews 15(04) April 1974 E
Leavenworth and Sammet (1974) Leavenworth, Burt M.; Sammet, Jean E. "An overview of nonprocedural languages" pp1-12 E A
in [VHLL 1974] (1974) Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Very high level languages, March 28-29, 1974, Santa Monica, California, United States E
Sammet, J.E., (1976) Sammet, J.E., "Roster of Programming Languages for 1974-1975" E A
in [ACM] (1976) [ACM] CACM 19(12) (Dec 1976) E
Sammet, Jean E., (1976) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1975-76" E A
in [ACM] (1976) [ACM] CACM 19(12) (Dec 1976) E
Sammet, Jean E (1978) Sammet, Jean E "Roster of programming languages for 1976-77" pp56-85 E A
in [SIGPLAN] (1978) SIGPLAN Notices 13(11) Nov 1978 E
[HOPL I] (1978) Sammet, Jean E. and Lee, John A. N. HOPL conference end banquet excerpts.(Videotapes) ACM SIGPLAN history of programming languages conference. (Los Angeles, June 1-3, 1978). E A
in [SIGPLAN] (1978) SIGPLAN Notices 13(11) Nov 1978 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1978) Sammet, Jean E. "The early history of COBOL" E A
in [HOPL I] (1979) SIGPLAN Notices 14(04) April 1979 including The first ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages (HOPL) Los Angeles, CA, June 1-3, 1978 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1981) Sammet, Jean E. "History of IBM's Technical Contributions to High Level Programming Languages" pp520ff
in [IBM] (1981) IBM Journal of Research and Development, 25(5), September 1981 25th anniversary issue E
Sammet, Jean E.; Waugh, Douglas W.; Reiter, Jr. Ro (1981) Sammet, Jean E.; Waugh, Douglas W.; Reiter, Jr. Robert W. "PDL/Ada?a design language based on Ada" E A
in (1981) Proceedings of the ACM '81 conference E
Sammet, Jean E. (1987) Sammet, Jean E. "Self-Study Questions & Answers" p109 E A
in (1987) Annals of the History of Computing, Spring 1987 E
Sammet, Jean E. (1992) Sammet, Jean E. "Farewell to Grace HopperEnd of an Era!" E A
in [ACM] (1992) [ACM] CACM 35(04) (April 1992) E
Sammet, Jean E. (1993) Sammet, Jean E. "The beginning and development of FORMAC (FORmula MAnipulation Compiler)" E A
in [HOPL II] (1993) [ACM SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 28(03) March 1993 The second ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages (HOPL II) E