Sammet, Jean E. "Brief survey of languages used for systems implementation" (1971) |
[LSI 1971] (1971) [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(10) October 1971 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Languages for system implementation 1971, Lafayette, Indiana, United States; October, 1971
Jean E Sammet
Languages mentioned
- APAREL {1969} A PArse REquest Language
- APPLE {1970}
- Basic Systems Language {1971} Forerunner of PL/S
- BLISS {1969} CMU systems programming language
- CIMPL {1971}
- DCALGOL {1970} Data Communications ALGOL
- EPL {1966} Early PL/1
- ESPOL {1968} Executive System Problem Oriented Language
- Extended ALGOL {1964}
- Extensible LSD {1971}
- FORTRAN H {1969}
- IMP {1966} IMProved Autocode
- IMP {1965} Extensible dialect of ALGOL-60
- LRLTRAN {1968} Vector processing FORTRAN extension
- LSD {1971} Language for Systems Development
- MALUS {1970} GM XPL
- MOL-360 {1971}
- MULTICS PL/I {1968} Production PL/I compiler
- NELIAC {1958} Navy Electronics Laboratory International ALGOL Compiler
- OSL {1968} Operating System Language
- Pascal {1970} Wirth's development of the Algol-W proposal
- PL/I {1964} Programming Language One
- PL/S {1968} Programming Language/Systems
- PS 440 {1974} PL 360 for the Telefunken TR 440
- SL/8 {1970} System Language for PDP-8