Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1967" (1967) |
(1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967
Jean E Sammet
Languages mentioned
- AED {1963} Engineering flavour of ALGOL
- ALGOL {1958} ALGOrithmic Language
- ALTRAN {1969} A FORTRAN extension for rational algebra
- AMBIT {1964} Algebraic manipulation
- AMTRAN {1966} Automatic Mathematical Translator
- APL {1960} Array-centered programing language
- APT {1956} Automatically Programmed Tools
- BASIC {1963} Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- COBOL {1960} COmmon Business Oriented Language
- COGO {1961} CO-ordinate GeOmetry system
- COLASL {1962} Two dimensional mathematical language
- COMIT {1957} String-handling and pattern-matching language
- CORAL {1964} Class Oriented Ring Associated Language
- CPS {1965} Conversational Programming System
- Early ALTRAN {1963} A FORTRAN extension for rational algebra
- FACT {1958} Fully Automated Compiling Technique
- FORMAC {1962} FORmula MAnipulation Compiler
- Formula ALGOL {1962} ALGOL dialect for algebraic manipulation
- FORTRAN {1954} Backus et al high-level compiler
- GPSS {1959} General Purpose Systems Simulator
- ICES {1961} Integrated Civil Engineering System
- IPL-V {1957} Information Processing Language v5
- JOSS II {1965} Version 2 of JOSS
- JOVIAL {1959} Airforce International Algebraic Language
- L6 {1963} Laboratories Low-Level Linked List Language
- LISP {1958} A list processing system with emphasis on recursion and formalism
- LISP 2 {1963} A system based on ALGOL but also containing many of the facilities and concepts of the original LISP systems.
- MAD {1959} Michigan Algorithm Decoder
- MADCAP {1960} Two dimensional maths and set language
- Magic Paper {1963} Interactive maths environment
- MAP {1966} Mathematical Analysis Program.
- MATHLAB {1964} Interactive maths language
- NELIAC {1958} Navy Electronics Laboratory International ALGOL Compiler
- PL/I {1964} Programming Language One
- QUICKTRAN {1965} Conversational FORTRAN
- RUSH {1965} Interactive Dialect of PL/I
- SIMSCRIPT {1961} Discrete simulations package
- SNOBOL {1962} String processing language
- SOL {1964} Simulation Oriented Language
- STRESS {1964} STRuctual Engineering Systems Solver
- TRAC {1959} A man-machine string manipulating language
- TREET {1964} trinary tree variant of LISP