Sammet, Jean E. "History of IBM's Technical Contributions to High Level Programming Languages" pp520ff
(1981) |
[IBM] (1981) IBM Journal of Research and Development, 25(5), September 1981 25th anniversary issue
Jean E Sammet
Languages mentioned
- APL {1960} Array-centered programing language
- Commercial Translator {1959}
- COMTRAN {1958} Commercial Translator
- CPS {1965} Conversational Programming System
- FORMAC {1962} FORmula MAnipulation Compiler
- FORTRAN {1954} Backus et al high-level compiler
- GPSS {1959} General Purpose Systems Simulator
- PL/I {1964} Programming Language One
- PRINT I {1956} Load and go scientific calculation system
- QUIKTRAN {1964} FORTRAN-like, interactive with debugging facilities
- Scratchpad {1971} General purpose interactive symbolic maths system
- Vienna Definition Language {1965} Formal language description language