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Language peer sets for School:
Designed 1990
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: Brazil
Designed 1990
Published: 1993

? Separate class hierarchies in an OO Language ??

OO language with an emphasis on the rationalisation of types and classes, and a clean separation between, and separate inheritance hierarchies for  them.

Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Sao Paulo Brazil

Smalltalk-like in appearance, but learning from Eiffel, DuoTalk, Pool, C++, Beta

"This pseudo-variable is called self in Smalltalk, current in Eiffel, this in C++; in School it is also called self. The correct typing of this pseudo-variable poses some difficulties. When a method is inherited, and self has a new type in the heir, the method can become ill-typed. In order to avoid that, the type of self in the new class must be a subtype of the original type of self. In most OOPLs, as the type and class hierarchies are the same, the above requirement is always satisfied. In School, with separate hierarchies, there must be a constraint to
avoid this problem."

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  • Ierusalimschy, Roberto A denotational approach fo (1992) Ierusalimschy, Roberto A denotational approach for type-checking in object-oriented programming languages. Monografias em Ciencia da Computado 12/92, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.
  • Rodriguez, Noemi de la Rocque; Ierusalimschy, Robe (1993) Rodriguez, Noemi de la Rocque; Ierusalimschy, Roberto; Rangel, José Lucas "Types in School" DOI Abstract
          in [SIGPLAN] (1993) [ACM SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 28(08) August 1993
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