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Language peer sets for JOSIE:
United States
United States/1991
Designed 1991
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Genus Frame languages
Specialised Languages
Frame languages
Data representation
Frame languages/1991
Context-based /1991
Data representation/1991
Frame languages/United States
Context-based /United States
Data representation/United States
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1991
Specialised Languages/us


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1991
Genus: Frame languages
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

Frame representation system

Related languages
OPUS JOSIE   Evolution of

  • Robert Nado, Jeffrey Van Baalen, Richard Fikes (1991) Robert Nado, Jeffrey Van Baalen, Richard Fikes "JOSIE: an integration of specialized representation and reasoning tools" pp101-107
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Nado, R. and Fikes, R. E. (1992) Nado, R. and Fikes, R. E. "Saying more with frames: Slots as classes" Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 23(6-9):719-731, 1992.
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
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