ALGOL Y(ID:1810/alg051)

First version of Algol 68 

Proposed successor to ALGOL 60, a "radical reconstruction". Originally a language that could manipulate its own programs at runtime, it became a collection of features that were not accepted for ALGOL X.

From the Algol 68 report:
Working Group 2.1 on ALGOL of the International Federation for Information Processing has discussed the development of "ALGOL X", a successor to ALGOL 60 [3] since 1963. At its meeting in Princeton in May 1965, WG 2.1 invited written descriptions of the language based on the previous discussions. At the meeting in St Pierre de Chartreuse near Grenoble in October 1965, three reports describing more or less complete languages were amongst the contributions, by Niklaus Wirth [8], Gerhard Seegmueller [6], and Aad van Wijngaarden [9]. In [6] and [8], the descriptional technique of [3] was used, whereas [9] featured a new technique for language design and definition. Other significant contributions available were papers by Tony Hoare [2] and Peter Naur [4, 5].

At subsequent meetings between April 1966 and December 1968, held in Kootwijk near Amsterdam, Warsaw, Zandvoort near Amsterdam, Tirrenia near Pisa and North Berwick near Edinburgh, a number of successive approximations to a final report, commencing with [10] and followed by a series numbered MR 88, MR 92, MR 93, MR 95, MR 99 and MR 100, were submitted by a team working in Amsterdam, consisting first of A. van Wijngaarden and Barry Mailloux, later reinforced by John Peck, and finally by Kees Koster. Versions were used during courses on the language held at various centres, and the experience gained in explaining the language to skilled audiences and the reactions of the students influenced the succeeding versions. The final version, MR 101 [11], was adopted by the Working Group on December 20th 1968 in Munich, and was subsequently approved for publication by the General Assembly of I.F.I.P. Since that time, it has been published in Numerische Mathematik [12], and translations have been made into Russian) [13], into German [14], into French [15], and into Bulgarian [16]. An "Informal Introduction", for the benefit of the uninitiated reader, was also prepared at the request of the Working Group [18].

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