
open source LPC

Fredrik H¡§©öbinette

actually ¥ìLPC

Related languages
LPC => microLPC   Implementation
microLPC => PIKE   Renaming

  • Biggs, John D. "Pike: A Language with Teeth" Linux Journal April 2002 view details Extract: Anecdote
    If it hadn't been for Zork, we wouldn't have the pleasure of Pike. Pike is an interpreted language based on C++. It was created by Lars Pensjö at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, so he could create multiplayer adventure games. He called it LPC (Lars Pensjö C). The first versions were not open source, so a group of programmers, led by Fredrik Hübinette, decided to GPL the software and called it µLPC, which was even uglier than LPC.

    In a stroke of fishy genius, Hübinette and his company, InformationsVävarna AB, changed the name to Pike. And so another scripting language named after a pointy toothed, powerful animal was born.

    External link: online copy
    • Chalmers ftp for microLPC
