Chez Scheme(ID:3584/che004)

ANSI/IEEE-compliant Scheme compiler 

J. Michael Ashley and R. Kent Dybvig Indiana 1985

Chez Scheme is a complete high-performance implementation of ANSI/IEEE standard Scheme, with a fast incremental compiler, an efficient run-time system, an extensive run-time library, and a productivity-enhancing program development environment. Chez Scheme was first introduced in 1985 and is now in its sixth major release. Chez Scheme is distributed by Cadence Research Systems.

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  • Dybvig, R. Kent Three Implementation Models for Scheme. PhD thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1987. view details
  • Dybvig, R. Kent Chez Scheme User's Guide Cadence Research Systems, 1998 view details External link: Online copy Abstract: Chez Scheme is an implementation of ANSI/IEEE Standard Scheme [19] with support for all required and optional features of the Revised4 and Revised5 Reports on Scheme [6,20] along with numerous language and programming environment extensions.

    This book describes these extensions in detail. It contains as well a description of the formal syntax of the extended language and a concise summary of standard and Chez Scheme forms and procedures, which gives the syntax of each form and the number and types of arguments accepted by each procedure. Details on standard Scheme features can be found in The Scheme Programming Language, Second Edition [9] or the Revised5 Report on Scheme. The Scheme Programming Language, Second Edition also contains an introduction to the Scheme language.

    The remainder of this chapter covers Chez Scheme syntax (Section 1.1), notational conventions (Section 1.2), parameters (Section 1.3), the interaction environment (Section 1.4), and where to look for more information on Chez Scheme (Section 1.5).

    Chapter 2 describes debugging and object inspection facilities. Chapter 3 documents facilities for interacting with separate processes or code written in other languages. Chapter 4 describes binding forms. Chapter 5 documents control structures. Chapter 6 documents operations on nonnumeric objects, while Chapter 7 documents various numeric operations, including efficient type-specific operations. Chapter 8 describes input/output operations and generic ports, which allow the definition of ports with arbitrary input/output semantics. Chapter 9 describes syntactic extension and modules. Chapter 10 describes system operations, such as operations for interacting with the operating system and customizing Chez Scheme's user interface. Chapter 11 describes how to invoke and control the storage management system and documents guardians and weak pairs. Chapter 12 describes various compatibility features.

    The back of this book contains a bibliography, the description of formal syntax, the summary of forms, and an index. The page numbers appearing in the summary of forms and the italicized page numbers appearing in the index indicate the locations in the text where forms and procedures are formally defined.
  • Ashley, J. Michael and Dybvig, R. Kent "An efficient implementation of multiple return values in Scheme" pp140-149 view details
          in Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, June 1994 view details