
general purpose PL/I like language for system design

Department of Information Science, Kyoto University

Related languages
PL/I => PL/R   Evolution of
PL/R => FACOM-R   Implementation

  • Kiyono Takeshi, Ikeda Katsuo, Ono Takao "A Programming Language and its Implementation for a Mini-computer" view details Abstract: In this report, a new programming language, PL/R, and its implementation in a mini-computer, FACOM-R, are described. PL/R is a compiler level language designed for mini-computer programming, whose facilities ranged up to the assembly language level; it can handle all of the hardware features of the computer. Accordingly, PL/R is suitable for writing every kind of program including system programs such as I/O control and interrupt processing. The implementation of PL/R is performed by a bootstrapping method, in both PL/I and PL/R, utilizing a large scale computer system. We believe that this method could be used in other computer systems to implement new computer languages efficiently.

          in Information Processing in Japan 15(5) view details