Algebraic Compiler(ID:5087/hon001)

IAL-like system for Honeywell 800 

Computer Usage Company New York, N.Y. contracted for Honeywell

One of the suite of three systems for compiling on the Honeywell 800

Related languages
ARGUS => Algebraic Compiler   Sibling
Algebraic Compiler => FACT   Sibling

  • Martin, E. Wayne Jr.; Hall, Dale J. "Data Processing: Automation in Calculation" Review of Educational Research, Vol. 30, No. 5, The Methodology of Educational Research (Dec., 1960), 522-535. view details Abstract: Availability of the electronic computer makes it possible currently to
    employ new methods in many areas of research. Performance of 1 million
    multiplications on a desk calculator is estimated to require about five vears
    and to cost $25,000. On an early scientific computer, a million
    multiplications required eight minutes and cost (exclusive of programing
    and input preparation) about $10. With the recent LARC computer,
    1 million multiplications require eight seconds and cost about
    50 cents (Householder, 1956). Obviously it is imperative that researchers
    examine their methods in light of the abilities of the computer.
    It should be noted that much of the information published on computers
    and their use has not appeared in educational or psychological literature
    but rather in publications specifically concerned with computers. mathematics,
    engineering, and business. The following selective survey is intended
    to guide the beginner into this broad and sometimes confusing
    area. It is not an exhaustive survey. It is presumed that the reader has
    access to the excellent Wrigley (29571 article; so the major purpose of
    this review is to note additions since 1957.
    The following topics are discussed: equipment availabilitv, knowledge
    needed to use computers, general references, programing the computer,
    numerical analysis, statistical techniques, operations research, and mechanization
    of thought processes. Extract: Compiler Systems
    Compiler Systems
    A compiler is a translating program written for a particular computer which accepts a form of mathematical or logical statement as input and produces as output a machine-language program to obtain the results.
    Since the translation must be made only once, the time required to repeatedly run a program is less for a compiler than for an interpretive system. And since the full power of the computer can be devoted to the translating process, the compiler can use a language that closely resembles mathematics or English, whereas the interpretive languages must resemble computer instructions. The first compiling program required about 20 man-years to create, but use of compilers is so widely accepted today that major computer manufacturers feel obligated to supply such a system with their new computers on installation.
    Compilers, like the interpretive systems, reflect the needs of various types of users. For example, the IBM computers use "FORTRAN" for scientific programing and "9 PAC" and "ComTran" for commercial data processing; the Sperry Rand computers use "Math-Matic" for scientific programing and "Flow-Matic" for commercial data processing; Burroughs provides "FORTOCOM" for scientific programming and "BLESSED 220" for commercial data processing.
    There is some interest in the use of "COBOL" as a translation system common to all computers.
  • Turner, L.D., and Waychoff, R.E. "FORTOCOM and Algebraic Compiler for the Burroughs 205" Pasadena, Calif.: Electro-Data Division, Burroughs Corporation, 1960. view details
  • "Honeywell EDP Presents A FEW QUICK FACTS ON SOFTWARE" Datamation October 1961 view details Extract: Honeywell Algebraic Compiler
    Honeywell Algebraic Compiler
    This Honeywell compiler aids the creation of scientific and mathematical programs. The programming language is the same basic terminology used by several computer manufacturers and the sub-routine library consists of routines commonly used in solving scientific and engineering problems. Algebraic compilers are being offered for Honeywell 400 and Honeywell 800 data processing systems.
  • Ascher Opler and Myra Gray "Design of a multiprogrammed algebraic compiler" view details Abstract: In the early months of 1959, the writers were given a particularly challenging assignment. They undertook the task of designing a very large algebraic compiler for the Minneapolis Honeywell H-800 Electronic Data Processing machine.

    To meet the particularly challenging requirements, what might seem like an unusually great effort was put into establishing the fundamental design of the compiler and of the object program it was to produce. Once the design was established, the writing of the compiler proceeded in a fairly straight-forward
    manner. As a consequence:
    1. Each programmer prepared programs and test data in New York.
    2. The compiler sections were assembled in Boston using DASH,
    the assembly program for the H-800 that operated on the
    Minneapolis Honeywell D-lO00.
    3. The results of the assembly were checked out in Boston using
    Honeywell's simulator of the H-8OO on the D-lO00.
    4. When H-800 time was made available, the compiler sections were
    re-checked and a system tape was built using very little H-800
    computer time.
    5- Because of the early development, the Honeywell ARGUS assembly
    and Program Test System were not available. The entire compiler
    checkout was done using a relocatable octal loader and a rather
    elementary memory dump program.
          in Proceedings of the 16th ACM National Conference, January 1961 view details
  • BCS Bulletin - Literature and References to Simplified Programming Schemes for Computers, Available or Projected - November 1961 view details
          in Proceedings of the 16th ACM National Conference, January 1961 view details
  • Honeywell "ALGEBRAIC COMPILER" Manual DSI-14 dated 1961 view details
          in Proceedings of the 16th ACM National Conference, January 1961 view details