
Questionairre processing language 

for Mem Alef QUESTionnaire

Tabulating and statistical analysis sytem

John Rosenne, Mem Alef Electronic Computers, 1970

  • Rosenne, Jonathan "MAQUEST, a statistical system for questionnaires" Mem Alef Electronic Computers Ltd, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1970 view details
  • Schucany, W. R.; Minton, Paul D.; Shannon, Stanley B. "A Survey of Statistical Packages" view details Extract:
    This is a system of programs for performing calculations common in processing questionnaires, especially for social science research and public opinion polls. It is designed to be operated with control cards by nonprogrammers, and is written in FORTRAN IV
          in [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 4(2) June 1972 view details