
Parallel dialect of Haskell 

Related languages
Haskell => Haskell#   Extension of

  • Hudak, Paul "Para-functional programming in Haskell" pp159-196 view details DOI
          in Szymanski, B. (ed.) "Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers", Addison-Wesley, 1991 view details
  • Carvalho, F. H., Jr.; Freire, Luiz; Lima, R. M. F.; Lins, R.D. "Coordinating functional processes with Haskell#" Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Madrid, Spain pp393 - 400 view details Abstract: This paper presents Haskell#, a parallel functional language based on coordination. Haskell# supports lazy stream communication and facilities, at coordination level, to the specification of data parallel programs. Haskell# supports a clean and complete, semantic and syntactic, separation between coordination and computation levels of programming, with several benefits to parallel program engineering. The implementation of some well-known applications in Haskell# is presented, demonstrating its expressiveness, allowing for elegant, simple, and concise specification of any static pattern of parallel, concurrent or distributed computation. DOI
          in Szymanski, B. (ed.) "Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers", Addison-Wesley, 1991 view details