Rodriguez dataflow(ID:8048/)

Dataflow lanugage proposed by J E Rodriguez in 1969 at MIT, based in part on the atomic aspects of the AED system Rodriguez had develoepd with Ross earlier. Highly influential.

Related languages
AED => Rodriguez dataflow   Evolution of aspect
Rodriguez dataflow => DDN   Influence

  • Jorge E Rodriguez "A GRAPH MODEL FOR PARALLEL COMPUTATIONS" MIT Technical Report: TR-64 1969 view details Abstract: This report presents a computational model called program graphs which makes possible a precise description of parallel computations of arbitrary complexity on non-structured data. In the model, the computation steps are represented by the nodes of a directed graph whose links represent the elements of storage and transmission of data and/or control information. The activation of computation represented by a node depends only on the control information residing in each of the links incident into and out of the node. At any given time any number of nodes may be active, and there are no assumptions in the model regarding either the length of time required to perform the computation represented by a node or the length of time required to transmit data or control information from one node to another. Data dependent decisions are incorporated in the model in a novel way which makes a sharp distinction between the local sequencing requirements arising form the data dependency of the computation steps and the global sequencing requirements determined by the logical structure for the algorithm.