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Language peer sets for VAL:
United States
United States/1980
Designed 1980
1980s languages
Fourth generation
Late Cold War
Genus Motion-oriented
Specialised Languages
Physical control
Physical control/1980
Motion-oriented/United States
Robotics/United States
Physical control/United States
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1980
Specialised Languages/us


Variable Assembly Language 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1980
Genus: Motion-oriented
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

for Variable Assembly Language

Unimation Robotics Inc., Danbury, Connetticut 1980

Teleological language for industrial robots. The Stanford AL with the addition of Frames for representation.

Pum robot?

Related languages
BASIC VAL   Extension of
VAL VAL II   Evolution of

  • (1980) "User's Guide to VAL. A Robot Programming and Control System" Unimation Robotics Inc., Danbury, Connetticut (1980)
  • Blume, C.: VAL - ein Roboterkontrollsystem von Uni (1980) Blume, C.: VAL - ein Roboterkontrollsystem von Unimation (VAL - A Robot Control System from Unimation). Bearbeitete Ubersetzung der VAL-Beschreibung (Abridged Translation of the VAL-Description). Universitat Karlsruhe (1980)
  • Freitas, Robert A., Jr. and Gilbreath, William P. (1980) Freitas, Robert A., Jr. and Gilbreath, William P. "Advanced Automation for Space Missions" Proceedings of the 1980 NASA/ASEE Summer Study the University of Santa Clara in Santa Clara, California, from June 23-August 29, 1980 Extract: Robot control languages
  • Shimano, B.E. et al, (1984) Shimano, B.E. et al, "VAL II: A New Robot Control System for Automatic Manufacturing",
          in (1984) Proc IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics 1984
  • Blume, Christian and Jakob, Wilfried (1986) Blume, Christian and Jakob, Wilfried "Programming Languages for Industrial Robots" Springer Verlag 1986
          in (1984) Proc IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics 1984
  • Shimono, B. (1986) Shimono, B. "VAL: A Versatile Robot Programming and Control Language". IEEE Press, 1986
          in (1984) Proc IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics 1984
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