
Actor OO language 

An actor language, descendant of Plasma.

also Act/1 and Act-1

Related languages
PLASMA => Act1   Evolution of
Act1 => Act2   Evolution of
Act1 => CSSA   Influence
Act1 => UNIFORM   Incorporated features of

  • Kahn, Kenneth M. "Uniform : a language based upon unification which unifies (much of) Lisp, Prolog, and Act 1" UPMAIL. Uppsala programming methodology and artificial intelligence laboratory. Technical reports 17 Uppsala University 1981 view details Abstract: Uniform is an AI programming language under development based upon augmented unification. It is an attempt to combine, in a simpie coherent framework, the most important features of Lisp, actor languages such as Act 1 and SmallTalk, and logic programming languages such as Prolog. Among the unusual abilities of the language is its ability to use the same program as a function, an inverse function, a predicate, a pattern, or a generator. All of these uses can be performed upon concrete, symbolic, and partially instantiated data. Uniform features automatic inheritance from multiple super classes, facilities for manipulation of programs, a limited ability to determine program equivalence, and a unification-oriented database.
    Extract: A Language based upon Unification
    A Language based upon Unification
    Uniform is based upon the idea of an extensible unification procedure. All programs are extensions to the unification process. Unification piavs the roles of pattern matching, evaluation, message passing, inheritance, and symbolic evaluation. In the process of unifying the factorial of 3 with an integer n, n is unified with 6. The concatenation of x and the list (c d) unifies with the list (a b c d), resulting in x being unified with the list (a b). Unifying the nth element of the list of all prime numbers with 5 results in n unified with 3. Unifying the reverse of a list of variables x and y with a list z, unifies z with a list of v and x. Unifying a member of set x with 3 member of set y yields a member of the intersection of x and y. Unifying a description of red chairs with a description of big chairs produces a description of big red chairs.    And so on.
    Extract: Unification — What it is
    Unification - What it is
    Unification was invented for use in resolution theorem provers [Robinson 1965] and has since been used in a few programming languages. Two well-known examples are Prolog which is a programming language based upon resolution theorem proving [Warren 1977] and Qlisp [Sacerdoti 1976]. In these languages unification is only one facility among others. In Uniform unification is augmented so that no other mechanism such as resolution, automatic-backtracking, or evaluation is needed.
    Unification is the process of generating the most general common instance of a set of descriptions. It is implemented as a process that returns a "unifier" which if applied to any of the original descriptions produces the sought after instance. In
    the most common case, the unifier is simply an environment describing variable
    bindings and it is applied to a description by substituting its values for the
    variables in the description. It is the use of unifiers, rather than actualiv
    constructing instances, which makes the process computationally feasible in much
    the same wav that environments replace lambda substitution in Lisp. As an example,
    (unifier-of(foo x 'a r) (foo 'b v r))
    produces "(unifier (x 'b) (y 'a))" which if substituted into either description produces the instance "(foo 'b 'a r)". Unification is defined to produce the most general instance which means that the instance produced must unify with all other possible instances.
    Pattern matching, which has played such a large role in most AI languages, is a special case of the unification of two descriptions. The pattern is a description containing variables which is matched against a description without any variables. If the match succeeds, the unifier produced is a set of match bindings which when substituted into the pattern produces the other description.
    Unification has three advantages over pattern matching.
    1. There is no distinction between patterns which bind variables and patterns which use the value of variables. This allows the meaning of a pattern to be determined dynamically and is crucial in using programs in multiple ways and directions.
    2. Patterns can be matched against patterns. This is important for dealing with partial information. For example, in a unification-oriented database one can have a demon which triggers whenever a cube is put on a ball and then add the "pattern" (on (ball 'a) (cube x)) and the demon will be triggered even though x has no value (it represents an undetermined cube upon ball a). It is also useful in determining if one pattern is a special case of another. Uniform uses unification this way so that by default more specific knowledge is used first.
    3. The order in which sub-problems (recursive calls to unify) are made does not affect the outcome. This gives the implementation a freedom of optimization not possible in most pattern matchers. Parallel implementations of unification which could take advantage of the parallel hardware of the future are also possible.

    Extract: How Unification is Augmented in Uniform
    How Unification is Augmented in Uniform
    Unification is a syntactic process. Its only concern is that forms have the same "head", their arguments unify, constants are equal and recursively that bindings unify. It cannot unify the sum of x and 3 with 7 by unifying x with *. Uniform's augmented unification leaves it up to the forms involved to unify as they see fit where the traditional syntactic unification process is used only as a default. Except for a small set of primitive forms this augmentation is described in Uniform by the user.
    The only constraint upon augmentations to the unification of two descriptions is that the resulting unifier produce equivalent descriptions when applied. For example, the unifier describing x as » produces 7 and the sum of A few of the primitive forms stretch this view of unification. For example, the primitive form "(print)" will unify with anything and as a side effect the other form will be printed. The primitive "(ground)11 will either unifv with any constant or will eventually fail if the other is a variable or contains variables that are never bound. There are primitives for dynamically creating unification variables and forms, primitives for escaping to Lisp's Eval (a theoretically unnecessary, yet very useful, primitive), for forcing sequentiaiity (critical in situations involving input-output or other side effects), for determining if two things are the exact same object {Lisp's EQ, critical when dealing with circular structures and important for efficiency), and for the logical connectors "and", "or11, and "not". Without this small set of primitives, unification would not be adequate as the sole basis of a programming language.
    Uniform's augmented unification not only has the unusual features of delegating to the forms involved but is based upon a new very parallel algorithm.
    Sub-unifications of corresponding arguments are computed independents and the resulting unifiers are unified. A unifier is a virtual set of possible bindings where further possibilities are computed only upon need. This mechanism replaces the automatic backtracking in Prolog and Qlisp. In addition, when the descriptions cannot be unified the algorithm produces failure descriptions which are used internally and by the user for debugging. Unification is also used to implement the occur check and the "ground" primitive. The algorithm is described further in [Kahn forthcoming] Extract: Uniform and Actor Languages
    Uniform and Actor Languages
    Computer languages based upon computational entities called "actors" offer modularity, parallelism, full extensibility of both data and functions and a simpie but powerful computational semantics. An early version of Uniform was attempted in Act 1 , a language that takes the idea of actors to the extreme. Many of the facilities of Act I would have been available in Uniform, including its excellent primitives for describing concurrent computation. Unfortunately the current implementation of Act 1 is too slow to build a practical interpreter upon it.
    Act I is a message passing language based upon the convention that actors be able to respond to "eval" and "match" messages. Uniform can be viewed as a language in which forms pass "unify" messages between themselves and their parts. As we saw in the previous section, unification subsumes evaluation. Unification clearly subsumes the match messages in Act 1 since pattern matching is just the special case of unification where one of the forms contains no variables.
    One of the important features of actor languages is the ability to describe a new data structure and have old programs use it without modification. This is a consequence of the fact that programs depend only upon the behavior of data in response to messages. A list is any actor which can answer "first" and "rest" messages.     The  analogous  statement  about  Uniform  is  that  a  list   is  any   form   that can unify with "(cons x y)". For example, suppose we want to define a new kind of list which internally is represented by two lists, one for the original members and one for those deleted. The advantage of these "delete lists" is that deletion becomes a very cheap and pure operation in return for a little overhead on other operations.
    They   can be defined as follows in Uniform:
    (= {delete-list deleted (cons first rest)) (rules first
    ((member deleted) ;is already deleted so skip it (delete-list deleted rest)) ((?) ;otherwise the first element is ok (cons first (delete-list deleted rest))))))
    This is all that is needed to run any program that works on lists since it provides a path from "delete-list" to "cons". For example, List's "delete" operation defined below will work on these lists.
    (as sert
    (= (delete x (cons first rest)) (rules x
    (first (delete x rest))
    ((?) (cons first (delete x rest))))))
    (assert (= (delete x ()) ()))
    The whole point of having "delete lists", however, is to delete elements efficiently. This can be done as  follows:
    (assert (= (delete x (delete-list deleted memb e r s ) ) (delete-list (cons x deleted) member s)) )
    Notice that this way of implementing lists as anything that can unify with a cons of two variables subsumes the inheritance mechanism in languages like SmallTalk and Director. If nothing is known about how to do some operation upon a particular kind of list then the same operation upon lists in general will be used. Uniform always tries first the shortest path between two structures. The path to delete list's delete operation is shorter than one through cons's delete so It is followed first. Of course sub-ciasses are possible. If x-lists oniy unify directly with y-lists which unify with "cons", then definitions of operations upon x-Iists will be used before those for y-lists which in turn will be used before cons's definitions.
    This same mechanism works for multiple super classes. If we define how horizontal-dashed- lines     unify     with    horizontal-lines     and    with     dashed-lines     then
    operations upon either one can be applied to horizontal-dashed-lines. Since Uniform follows shortest paths first, the multiple super classes are searched in a breadth-first fashion.
    One very important part of some of the actor languages is the user definable control structures and ability to compute in parallel [Hewitt 1977] [Lieberman draft]. This is a serious deficiency of Uniform. The plan is to add such information as advice to the interpreter as to how to go about doing the unifications. This approach is similar to one taken in Metalog [Dincbas 1980]. The appeal of separating logic from control is that a user can develop and test the logic or competence of a program before adding control information to improve its performance [Kowalski 1979] [Pratt 1977]. Also different uses of the same program may be helped by  different control information. Extract: Uniform and Logic Programming
    Uniform and Logic Programming
    In recent years a number of logic programming languages have appeared. Most notable is Prolog, a programming language which resembles Planner [Warren 1977]. Programs in Prolog are axioms in the first-order predicate logic restricted to Horn clauses. Programs are executed by a resolution theorem prover. What is special about Prolog is that it is intended as a general purpose programming language meant to compete with compiled Lisp as well as with Planner-like languages. The objection to logic as being an excessively constrained manner of reasoning is irrelevant to its worth as a pronramming language. One would not want to buiid AI programs upon an "informal" Lisp. The objection to logic that it is not concerned with control over the use of knowledge is a serious one. There are manv advantages however, to having a programming language based upon logic with a separate control component for improving performance such as IC-Prolog [Clark 19SO] or Metalog [Dincbas  1980].
    When compared with Lisp, Prolog has many advantages and a few very serious disadvantages. Prolog shares with Uniform the ability to use the same program in many  ways.   For example, the Prolog definition of "append" can be used not only  to compute the result of appending two lists together but can also be used as a predicate to verify that the result of appending two lists is a third list, as a generator of pairs of lists that append to a particular list, as a wav of finding the difference between two lists, and as a generator of triples of lists such that the first two append to form the third.
    Prolog has a few other features which Lisp lacks. Among them are the ability to compute with partially instantiated structures, a convenient way to handle multiple outputs, and the use of pattern matching instead of explicit list construction and selection. On the negative side, Prolog implementations are the result of a much smaller implementation effort than the major Lisp dialects and correspondingly lack good programming environments, i/o facilities, adequate arithmetic, and the like. Attempts to embed Prolog in Lisp (e.g. ) may alleviate this. Among Prolog's more fundamental problems are a dependence upon automatic backtracking, a lack of user control over search, and a lack of an efficient substitute for impure operations.
    Uniform was developed with the goal of capturing and improving these positive aspects of Prolog. Uniform supports all the uses of a definition that Prolog does and an additional few. For example. Uniform's definition of "append" is equivalent to Prolog's and can also be used as an implementation of segment patterns. In addition, it is all the knowledge about "append" the system needs to answer questions about program equivalence.
    For example, work is under way so that Uniform can successfully unify the following for all lists x and y.
    (= (append (reverse x) y)
    (reverse (append (reverse y) x)))
    In Uniform one can augment the unification of relations other than the "=" relation and so can write in Prolog's relational, as opposed to a functional, style. The following is a Uniform program for defining the "grandparent" relation (which can be used as the "grandchild" relation too).
    (assert (grandparent-of grandchild grandparent)
    ;the above is true if the following holds (parent-of a-parent grandparent) (parent-of grandchild a-parent))
    The program says that two variables are in the grandparent relation if a child of the first variable unifies with a parent of the second. As in Prolog the variables "grandparent" and "grandchild" are universally qualified and "a-parent" is existential (by virtue of not being in the "head"). It is equivalent to the Prolog program:
    grand parent_of(Grandchild,Grandparent) :-parent_of(A_parent,Grand parent), parent_of(Grandchild,A_parent).
    Despite the similarity, the two programs are executed differently. Uniform executes programs using augmented unification. Inside the unification it computes with virtual sets of all possible unifiers and performs searches in a shortest-first manner. Shortest-first search combined with the use of virtual sets of unifiers replaces Prolog's resolution theorem prover which depends upon svntactic unification and automatic backtracking. More details about Uniform's implementation can be found in [Kahn forthcoming] Extract: Conclusions and Future Research
    Conclusions and Future Research
    A surprising result of this research is that unification, a process of generating the most general instance of a set of descriptions, can be such a powerful basis for a programming language. Unification unifies the essence of Lisp, Act 1, and Prolog into a simple coherent framework.
    Uniform is far from complete/ Some of the major avenues of future research follow.
    1.  Developing and incorporating the dual of unification, generalization, into the language. The duality between unification and generalization is striking and the ability to implement them both using the same mechanism is surprising.
    2.  A   shortcoming  of   Uniform  and  Prolog  is   their  inability   to  use  negative information.      In   the   previous   example   of   association   lists   we   cannot prevent   a  key   from  having more than one association.     Uniform  will  be extended to use the following:
    (not (= (association-of key
    (cons (list key value) rest)) (not value))))
    This would cause the unification to fail if the key is found but the values do not unify. Negative information can be used in a default strategy which concurrently tries to unify two descriptions and to show that they  are not unifiable.
    3.  In the process of unification a variable may  acquire multiple constraints. As   a   default,   Uniform   simply   conjoins   them.      If   later   an   attempt   is made to give the variable a value, then the constraints disappear if the value  satisfies   them,   otherwise  it fails.     Inconsistent constraints  do  not cause failure unless there is an attempt to use them.    If the constraints have  a  unique   solution   then  only   that  value  can  unify   with  them,  but the system does not compute that value.    The unification of constraints appears to  be a natural place to use some of the constraint satisfaction techniques found in systems such as Thinglab [Borning 1979], Steele and Sussman's constraint system [Steele  1980] and the XPRT system [Steels 1979].     These   systems   provide  evidence   for   the   general   usefulness   of describing much of computation in terms of constraints.
    4. We have explored the unification of descriptions of programs. Exploring the unification of other complex structures such as frames, scripts, and units should be equally valuable. Much of what systems such as FRL, XPRT, SAM and KRL do is match complex declarative structures with others. Unification, a more general and powerful process than pattern matching,  promises to be very useful for dealing with these structures.
    5.  As   has   been   pointed   out   elsewhere   [McCarthy    1968]    [Hayes    1973] [Pratt  1977]  [Kowalski  1979]  there is much  to be gained by  separating the  control  and  logic  components  of  an   algorithm.      Uniform   programs have much less control information in them than equivalent Lisp or Act 1  programs.    A  general search strategy is used as a default so that the factual   or   competence   component   of   programs   can   be   developed   and tested without the added complexity  of being concerned  with  efficiency. The efficiency   can be  put in later and kept lexically   separate from the rest of  the  program.    A   compiler   is   planned  which  will   be  written   in Uniform and produce Lisp code.
    6.  It   is  very   difficult  to  evaluate  the  worth  of computer  language  based solely  upon small  programs.    Prolog,  for  example,  becomes  less  desirable as   the   size   of   the   programs   grow   due   to   its   impoverished   notion   of errors   and   debugging   and   its   reliance   upon   automatic   backtracking. Work has been done to alleviate these  particular failings in Uniform,  but experience  in   using  Uniform  is  lacking.     Concurrent  with   the  research suggested  above,   Uniform  needs   to   be  tested   bv   writing   large   complex programs in it.    In this respect Uniform is way  behind Lisp et. al.

  • Theriauit, Dan "A Primer for the Act-1 Language" Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge. Artificial Intelligence Lab. Apr 82, AIM-672 view details Abstract: This paper describes the current design for the Act-l computer programming language, and describes the Actor computational model, which the language was designed to support, ft provides a perspective from which to view the language, with respect to existing computer language systems and to the computer system and environment under development for support of the language . The language is informally introduced in a tutonal fashion and demonstrated through examples. A programming strategy for the language is described, further illustrating its use.
  • LaLonde, W. R., D. A. Thomas, et al. (1986). "An exemplar based Smalltalk." view details Abstract: Two varieties of object-oriented systems exist: one based on classes as in Smalltalk and another based on exemplars (or prototypical objects) as in Act/1. By converting Smalltalk from a class based orientation to an exemplar base, independent instance hierarchies and class hierarchies can be provided. Decoupling the two hierarchies in this way enables the user's (logical) view of a data type to be separated from the implementer's (physical) view. It permits the instances of a class to have a representation totally different from the instances of a superclass. Additionally, it permits the notion of multiple representations to be provided without the need to introduce specialized classes for each representation. In the context of multiple inheritance, it leads to a novel view of inheritance (or-inheritance) that differentiates it from the more traditional multiple inheritance notions (and-inheritance). In general, we show that exemplar based systems are more powerful than class based systems. We also describe how an existing class based Smalltalk can be transformed into an exemplar-based Smalltalk and discuss possible approaches for the implementation of both and-inheritance and or-inheritance. DOI
          in SIGPLAN Notices 21(11) November 1986 (OOPSLA - Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications 1986) view details
  • Lieberman, H."Concurrent Object Oriented Programming in Act1" view details Abstract: To move forward to the next generation of artificial intelligence programs, new languages will have to be developed that meet the demanding requirements of these applications. Artificial intelligence software will require unprecedented flexibility, including the ability to support multiple representations of objects, and the ability to incrementally and transparently replace objects with new, upward-compatible versions. As advances in computer architecture and changing economics make feasible machines with large-scale parallelism, artificial intelligence will require new ways of thinking about computation that can exploit parallelism effectively.

    To realize this, we propose a model of computation based on the notion of actors, active objects that communicate by message passing. Actors blur the conventional distinction between data and procedures. For parallel computation, actors called futures create concurrency, by dynamically allocating processing resources. Serializers restrict concurrency by constraining the order in which events take place, and have changeable local state. The actor philosophy is illustrated by a description of our prototype actor interpreter Act 1.
    External link: Online copy
          in Object Oriented Concurrent Programming, A. Yonezawa, and M. Tokoro (eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 1986 view details
  • Abadi, Martin and Cardelli, Luca "A Theory of Objects" Springer Monographs in Computer Science, 1996 view details

          in Object Oriented Concurrent Programming, A. Yonezawa, and M. Tokoro (eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 1986 view details
  • Philippsen, Michael "A survey of concurrent object-oriented languages" pp917-980 view details
          in Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2000 v12 view details